Alchemy Genetics – Lista kombinacji


Lista kombinacji do gry Alchemy Genetics  (525 elementów)

Do prezentowanych na gier typu Alchemy, czyli Alchemy „Zeda” Zaikina i Alchemy Classic NIASOFTu zamieściliśmy już „ściągawki”, czyli kompletne listy elementów i kombinacji. Kolej na Alchemy Genetics.
Ponieważ w grze tej obowiązują inne reguły niż w bardziej klasycznych wersjach, nieco inaczej również potraktowaliśmy pomoc do niej. Listy elementów (w aplikacji określanych jako „Animals” – Zwierzęta) nie układaliśmy tym razem w porządku alfabetycznym ani wg kategorii (tych bowiem tutaj brak), ale wg grup, które nazwaliśmy grupami genetycznymi oraz w kolejności (jednej z możliwych) tworzenia elementów. Alchemy Genetics opiera się na zasadzie tworzenia kombinacji Animal + Gene. „Zwierzęta” uszeregowaliśmy zatem wg genów, ale by nie powielać tych samych elementów (większość z nich posiada więcej niż jeden gen), wybraliśmy dla każdego z nich jeden „gen dominujący”, czyli po prostu ten, który gra w opisie elementu wymienia jako pierwszy. Dzięki temu otrzymaliśmy nie tylko wykaz kombinacji, ale również genów: dzięki czemu można pobawić się w wyszukiwanie połączeń innych niż proponowane, przez co również kolejność tworzenia nowych „stworzeń” może być inna niż nasza.

Elementy startowe

Aby lista „grup genetycznych” była kompletna siedem elementów zamieściliśmy po raz drugi, poniżej głównego zestawienia. Ta „powtórka” była konieczna, gdyż te siedem genów w opisach w grze występuje na dalszych pozycjach.
Dla zmniejszenia objętości całego spisu zastosowaliśmy skróty nazw genów – dla ich rozszyfrowania wystarczy porównać je z pełnymi nazwami w nagłówkach poszczególnych „grup genetycznych”.
Mamy nadzieję, że poniższe zestawienie pomoże Wam w przebrnięciu przez całą rozgrywkę. I oczywiście zapraszamy na FD, gdy autorzy Alchemy Genetics wydadzą aktualizację – wtedy i my odświeżymy naszą ściągawkę.

Zaawansowane formy życia

[box_dark]Gra nie doczekała się jeszcze spolszczenia (jeszcze?). Dlatego w odróżnieniu od poprzednich alchemicznych pomocy, tym razem zamieszczamy tylko jedną wersję językową. Jeżeli jednak nastąpi tu zmiana, spodziewajcie się aktualizacji naszych stronach.[/box_dark]

A oto i nasza lista kombinacji.


  #   Element Kombinacja Geny
  1   Ant element startowy soc hwork multi
  2   Chicken element startowy bird dom dumb
  3   Anchovy element startowy fish sch
  4   Rat element startowy saga tail
  139   Tweety Chicken + Ant soc bird dom
  279   Meerkat Ground Squirrel + Tweety soc rod
  312   Degu Squirrel + Ant soc rod fast
  330   Termite Cockroach + Ant soc fast multi ins
  402   Winnie The Pooh Bear + Ant soc hairy
  415   Space Invader Android + Ant soc aggr
  418   Mickey Mouse Mouse + Ant soc saga fast small
  424   Garfield Cat + Ant soc dom saga feli
  441   Robocop Terminator + Tweety soc mut
  11   Raven Chicken + Rat bird saga live cun
  117   Woodpecker Raven + Rhinoceros bird horn
  261   Harpy Valkyrie + Horned Bird bird mut wing
  355   Archaeopteryx Pterodactyl + Mouse bird small pred
  7   Golden Carp Anchovy + Chicken fish dom bea
  25   Scopionfish Anchovy + Scorpion fish venom spiny
  35   Syngnathus Worm + Scopionfish fish
  73   Flying Fish Anchovy + Bee fish wing jump
  81   Parrot Fish Parrot + Sturgeon fish bea
  147   Triton Lizard + Piranha fish natat rept
  176   Water Nymph Human + Golden Carp fish hum mut
  187   Sea Horse Horse + Anchovy fish
  270   Capricorn Goat + Water Nymph fish horns mut
  280   Sea-hedgehog Hedgehog + Flatfish fish spiny
  68   Dolphin Seal + Rat saga natat
  151   Secretarybird Stork + Raven saga bird
  171   Orangutan Monkey + Rat saga hairy
  285   Android Human + Raven saga
  291   R2d2 Android + Cat saga
  314   Master Yoda Gremlin + Raven saga dex small
  365   Wizard Dwarf + Android saga hum
  435   Anubis Coyote + Human saga hum
  469   Hypnotoad Toad + Raven saga jump
  477   Brian (Family Guy) Dog + Tweety saga soc cani dom
  5   Shrimp Anchovy + Ant deep multi
  78   Manatee Cow + Shark deep fat herb
  98   Octopus Starfish + Ostrich deep natat giant multi
  309   Muraena Snake + Shark deep aggr fish
  320   Mantis Shrimp Mantis + Shrimp deep pred longL
  375   Vampire Squid Vampire + Squid deep natat multi
  379   Kronosaurus Tyrannosaur + Flatfish deep aggr pred giant
  505   Sea Mouse Mouse + Oyster deep hairy
  6   Mole Rat + Chicken rod blind undg dumb
  32   Mouse Hamster + Ostrich rod fast small
  46   Chinchilla Hamster + Snake rod jump giant
  65   Gambian Pouch Rat Kangaroo + Rat rod mars saga tail
  8   Hamster Rat + Golden Carp dom rod
  9   Pharaoh Ant Ant + Hamster dom soc hwork multi
  41   Cat Raccoon + Chicken dom saga feli
  61   Cow Hippopotamus + Chicken dom herb
  93   Camel Lama + Cow dom longN
  208   Dog Jackal + Chicken dom cani
  263   Dragoncatfish Dragon + Cat dom
  316   Guinea Pig Hamster + Pig dom rod fat
  396   Cricket Grasshopper + Cat dom jump longL ins
  411   House Elf Elf + Chicken dom longE
  419   Wallaroo Kangaroo + Chicken dom jump mars small
  459   Ferret Weasel + Chicken dom dex fast hairy
  507   Bed Bug Bedbug + Chicken dom blod ins
  10   Dove Chicken + Golden Carp bea bird
  15   Peafowl Owl + Golden Carp bea bird longT
  16   Parrot Raven + Peafowl bea saga bird
  18   Fruit Dove Dove + Golden Carp bea bird
  83   Strawberry Crab Crab + Parrot bea arm pred
  87   Swan Duck + Dove bea bird natat longN
  95   Starfish Leech + Angelfish bea
  130   Flamingo Heron + Swan bea longN bird
  133   Hoopoe Woodpecker + Dove bea bird
  184   Fairy Human + Dove bea mut
  194   Butterfly Fly + Peafowl bea wing ins
  199   Ladybug Beetle + Fruit Dove bea arm wing ins
  222   Sea Dragon Sea Horse + Starfish bea
  252   Sucker Octopus Octopus + Peafowl bea small deep
  306   Mudkip Pikachu + Starfish bea fish pkmn
  327   Axolotl Triton + Ladybug bea natat rept
  334   Comet Moth Moth + Comet bea wing ins
  342   Tragopan Pheasant + Starfish bea wild bird
  386   Smurf Dwarf + Parrot bea small
  447   Grey Crowned Crane Stork + Butterfly bea longN longL bird
  12   Flatfish Anchovy + Shrimp mono flat camo deep fish
  219   Cyclops Human + Flatfish mono hum mut
  13   Worm Anchovy + Mole undg blind
  374   Star Nosed Mole Starfish + Mole undg blind dumb
  14   Owl Chicken + Worm night bird blind
  17   Kakapo Parrot + Owl night bea saga bird
  198   Moth Butterfly + Owl night bea wing ins
  333   Red Panda Panda + Owl night fat herb hairy
  19   Beaver Rat + Ant hwork rod natat
  172   Human Monkey + Beaver hwork hum
  239   Mule Horse + Ant hwork herb
  372   Wall-e Android + Human hwork saga
  479   Minion Spongebob + Ant hwork soc saga
  20   Scorpion Ant + Rat tail venom aggr ins
  21   Duck Dove + Beaver natat bird dbk
  24   Musk Beaver Rat + Duck natat rod
  38   Platypus Beaver + Scorpion natat venom
  58   Polyrhachis Sokolova Ant + Duck natat soc hwork multi
  60   Hippopotamus Pig + Musk Beaver natat giant bald
  62   Seal Cow + Duck natat fat fast
  110   Eel Snake + Leech natat fish
  136   Crocodile Monitor Lizard + Beaver natat pred aggr
  160   Marine Iguana Iguana + Beaver natat rept giant
  201   Anaconda Boa + Duck natat giant rept
  248   Football Fish Bunnyball + Platypus natat fish
  353   Sea Slug Slug + Seal natat bald
  373   Fur Seal Seal + Sea Otter natat fast small
  493   Snork Smurf + Hippopotamus natat bea small
  22   Goose Duck + Scorpion aggr bird longN
  26   Piranha Golden Carp + Goose aggr pred fish
  27   Turkey Chicken + Goose aggr fat bird
  69   Pike Sturgeon + Scorpion aggr fast natat fish
  203   Hammer Fish Swordfish + Piranha aggr natat pred fish
  234   Wolverine Raccoon + Scorpion aggr
  275   Tasmanian Devil Koala + Wolf aggr mars night
  296   Weasel Mink + Scorpion aggr rod hairy fast dex
  297   Ogre Cyclops + Mole aggr hum dumb
  308   Gremlin Aye-aye + Wolverine aggr small hairy
  315   Terminator Android + Scorpion aggr mut
  337   Troll Ogre + Wolf aggr dumb
  363   Verociraptor Tyrannosaur + Mouse aggr pred small
  393   Cujo Zombie + Dog aggr fast cani
  427   Gollum House elf + Troglodyte aggr bald
  437   Dementor Ghost + Lich aggr undd
  453   Fire Ant Ant + Goose aggr soc hwork multi
  491   Muskellunge Pike + Tyrannosaur aggr fast giant natat fish
  23   Pig Beaver + Chicken lazy dumb fat
  108   Jellyfish Starfish + Sloth lazy apod
  123   Lion Tiger + Pig lazy pred feli
  28   Do-do Dove + Turkey fat giant bird
  51   Rabbit Hare + Turkey fat rod longE
  105   Tunny Anchovy + Lizard fat fish fast
  181   Sheatfish Flatfish + Pig fat fish
  243   Chipmunk Squirrel + Pig fat hairy rod
  244   Manul Cat + Pig fat hairy aggr
  245   Tapir Anteater + Pig fat
  335   Capybara Guinea Pig + Tyrannosaur fat giant rod
  481   Parson’s Chameleon Chameleon + Pig fat camo imper
  496   Marmot Ground Squirrel + Capybara fat rod hairy fast
  500   Goral Goat + Tapir fat hairy horns jump
  29   Eagle Dove + Piranha pred bird wing
  33   Shark Piranha + Ostrich pred deep fish giant
  39   Bear Beaver + Eagle pred hairy sleep
  43   Opossum Mole + Eagle pred hairy rod
  55   Crab Shrimp + Shark pred arm
  148   Mantis Grasshopper + Bear pred longL slow
  223   Cachalot Whale + Shark pred giant
  317   Lamprey Eel + Bear pred natat fish
  410   Gavial Crocodile + Anteater pred natat aggr probo
  458   Mongoose Weasel + Bear pred dex fast rod hairy
  30   Ostrich Chicken + Do-do longN fast bird giant
  120   Giraffe Deer + Swan longN spot
  127   Heron Duck + Ostrich longN longL bird
  131   Stork Heron + Ostrich longN longL bird
  250   Diplodocus Monitor Lizard + Ostrich longN giant
  251   Gazelle Antelope + Ostrich longN stripy
  328   Weevil-giraffe Beetle + Giraffe longN arm ins
  383   Nessy Kronosaurus + Diplodocus longN deep giant
  408   E.T. Extraterrestrial + Ostrich longN saga
  31   Brown Rat Rat + Ostrich giant saga rod cun
  57   Formica Ant + Shark giant soc hwork multi
  75   Megachile Pluto Bee + Formica giant wing stripy sch ins
  79   Cowfish Shark + Ostrich giant pred
  96   Lobster Shrimp + Ostrich giant
  97   Jabba The Hutt Leech + Ostrich giant mut aggr saga
  99   Squid Octopus + Lobster giant deep natat multi
  114   Rhinoceros Hippopotamus + Yak giant horn
  142   Tyrannosaur Monitor Lizard + Squid giant aggr
  156   Frilled Lizard Basilisk + Hippopotamus giant fast rept
  169   King Cobra Cobra + Marine Iguana giant venom rept
  170   Gorilla Monkey + Ostrich giant
  193   Whale Elephant + Seal giant natat
  211   Blue Great Dane Dog + Shark giant dom cani
  229   Dragon Gargoyle + Whale giant aggr longT
  247   Sea Devil Flatfish + Squid giant
  249   Pterodactyl Bat + Hippopotamus giant
  292   Barbary Lion Lion + Dragon giant pred feli lazy
  332   Pheasant Perdix + Ostrich giant wild bird
  367   Giant Salamander Salamander + Elephant giant rept fast
  370   Iron Golem Terminator + Elephant giant aggr
  371   Emperor Scorpion Scorpion + Tyrannosaur giant longT venom aggr
  389   Ara Parrot + Ostrich giant bea saga bird
  422   Ctulhu Squid + Cyclops giant deep aggr hum
  442   Dromedary Camel + Ostrich giant dom longN
  454   Yuan-ti Naga + Snake giant mut apod aggr
  455   Atlas Moth Butterfly + Dragon giant bea wing ins
  462   Goliath Birdeater Spider + Diplodocus giant venom multi pred
  495   Pilot Whale White Whale + Whale giant saga natat
  501   Blue Whale Whale + Whale Shark giant natat
  515   Emperor Penguin Penguin + Whale giant giant natat bird
  517   Bottlenose Dolphin Dolphin + Whale giant giant saga natat
  525   Black-backed Gul Gull + Gorilla giant scav bird
  34   Bee Ant + Eagle wing stripy sch ins
  42   Flying Rat Rat + Bee wing saga cun mut
  76   Dragonfly Shrimp + Bee wing pred ins
  91   Pegasus Horse + Bee wing mut
  164   Locust Grasshopper + Flying Fish wing jump longL ins
  174   Batman Human + Bat wing bat mut
  183   Valkyrie Human + Bee wing mut
  189   Fly Cockroach + Bee wing fast ins
  259   Eggdevil Bunnyball + Mosquito wing
  264   Flying Croc Crocodile + Bee wing mut
  265   Flying Piglet Pig + Eagle wing mut
  267   Shoebill Heron + Duck wing bird dbk mut
  310   Cocatrix Monitor Lizard + Butterfly wing fast
  348   Honeycomb Android + Bee wing
  352   Flying Lemurs Ring-tailed Lemur + Eagle wing dex
  397   Flying Monkey Monkey + Eagle wing jump dex
  414   Pixie Gremlin + Bee wing aggr small
  36   Snake Worm + Ostrich rept apod venom giant
  104   Lizard Snake + Ostrich rept fast longT
  134   Iguana Lizard + Snake rept giant
  135   Monitor Lizard Iguana + Horse rept fast
  141   Boa Snake + Squid rept giant fat
  37   Cobra Snake + Scorpion venom rept
  47   Skunk Chinchilla + Platypus venom rod
  59   Spider Ant + Scopionfish venom spid multi ins
  77   Tarantula Spider + Opossum venom spid hairy
  298   Portuguese Man O’war Jellyfish + Snake venom lazy apod
  346   Blue Dart Frog Frog + Snake venom jump
  395   Cone Snail Snail + Spider venom arm deep
  464   Ifrita Kowaldi Sparrow + Spider venom dex small bird
  465   Blue-ringed Octopus Octopus + Blue Dart Frog venom deep multi
  518   Anopheles Mosquito + Scorpion venom blod probo wing ins
  519   Tsetse fly Fly + Snake venom wing fast ins
  40   Raccoon Rat + Bear hairy wild rod
  54   Mink Mouse + Raccoon hairy rod
  92   Lama Horse + Opossum hairy longN
  112   Yak Cow + Opossum hairy horns
  145   Bunnyball Hare + White Bear hairy fat mut
  168   Pigeons Jacobin Dove + Raccoon hairy bea bird
  178   Goat Antelope + Yak hairy jump horns
  210   Komondor Dog + Raccoon hairy cani
  235   Badger Ground Squirrel + Raccoon hairy rod
  271   Mammoth Elephant + Raccoon hairy tusk giant
  294   Mangalitsa Pig + Bear hairy lazy dumb fat
  321   Hairy Crab Crab + Bear hairy arm pred
  324   Lion Tamarin Monkey + Bear hairy jump dex
  341   Galago Aye-aye + Raccoon hairy rod small
  351   Striated Frogfish Clown Fish + Bear hairy fish bea
  364   Hairy Frog Frog + Yak hairy jump rept
  405   Hobbit Dwarf + Koala hairy small
  457   Alf Extraterrestrial + Bear hairy saga mut
  463   Red Ruffed Lemur Ring-tailed Lemur + White Bear hairy bea dex
  478   Cheburashka Aye-aye + Winnie The Pooh hairy small saga soc
  510   Woolly Rhinoceros Rhinoceros + Bear hairy giant horn
  44   Lynx Cat + Ostrich jump feli giant
  45   Squirrel Mole + Lynx jump hairy rod feli
  50   Kangaroo Hare + Brown Rat jump mars giant
  52   Jerboa Mouse + Kangaroo jump rod
  107   Frog Lizard + Kangaroo jump rept
  129   Grasshopper Ant + Ground Squirrel jump longL ins
  132   Flying Squirrel Squirrel + Eagle jump wing rod
  144   Monkey Ring-tailed Lemur + Grasshopper jump dex
  177   Jaguar Cheetah + Squirrel jump feli spot
  237   Flea Ant + Grasshopper jump ins
  343   Toad Frog + Squid jump giant
  345   Mario Human + Kangaroo jump fast saga small
  485   Rockhopper Penguin Penguin + Kangaroo jump natat frost bird
  48   Maned Rat Chinchilla + Raccoon wild hairy stripy rod
  150   Perdix Chicken + Raccoon wild bird
  214   Dingo Dog + Wolf wild cani
  303   Wild Boar Pig + Wolf wild fat lazy
  403   Zebu Cow + Wild Boar wild horns herb
  482   Sage-grouse Turkey + Pheasant wild bea bird
  49   Hare Chinchilla + Ostrich fast rod longE
  90   Horse Cow + Ostrich fast drau herb
  125   Cheetah Tiger + Ostrich fast spot feli
  126   Antelope Deer + Hare fast horns
  137   Basilisk Lizard + Seal fast rept
  182   Falcon Eagle + Ostrich fast bird
  188   Cockroach Ant + Ostrich fast ins multi
  240   Centaur Horse + Cyclops fast hum mut
  241   Albatross Gull + Ostrich fast natat bird
  254   Road Runner Cuckoo + Ostrich fast cun bird
  366   Sea Lion Seal + Ostrich fast natat fat
  53   Aye-aye Rat + Hare longE rod bald small
  242   Fennec Dog + Rabbit longE cani
  288   Elf Human + Rabbit longE
  323   Aardvark Pig + Hare longE small
  369   Long-eared Jerboa Jerboa + Rabbit longE small jump rod
  420   Caracal Lynx + Rabbit longE jump feli
  444   Bilby Pygmy Mouse + Rabbit longE small rod
  446   Dumbo Elephant + Rabbit longE probo
  511   Long-eared Hedgehog Hedgehog + Rabbit longE spiny
  512   Asio Owl + Hare longE night bird blind
  56   Killerbunny Hare + Crab claw aggr pred mut
Frost resistant                  
  63   Penguin Seal + Dove frost natat bird
  70   White Bear Bear + Penguin frost hairy
  272   Arctic Fox Fox + White Bear frost hairy
  300   Yeti Gorilla + White Bear frost hairy hum
  426   White Whale Dolphin + White Bear frost saga natat
  460   Japanese Macaque Monkey + Penguin frost jump dex
  64   Blobfish Anchovy + Hippopotamus bald fish
  204   Vulture Eagle + Hippopotamus bald scav bird
  205   Sphynx (Cat) Cat + Aye-aye bald saga feli dom
  325   Slug Snail + Hippopotamus bald slow
  339   Hulk Yeti + Hippopotamus bald giant mut
  404   Bald Rat Rat + Vulture bald saga cun rod
  406   Chihuahua Yorkshire Terrier + Blobfish bald small cani dom
  486   Naked Chicken Chicken + Sphynx (cat) bald bird dumb dom
  66   Bugs Bunny Rabbit + Raven cun saga rod longE
  216   Fox Dog + Rat cun
  221   Cuckoo Sparrow + Rat cun bird
  255   Magpie Raven + Rat cun bird
  67   Sturgeon Shark + Cow herb fish
  349   Iguanodon Tyrannosaur + Cow herb giant
  71   Porcupine Pig + Scopionfish spiny rod
  85   Hedgehog Rat + Scopionfish spiny rod
  195   Echidna Anteater + Porcupine spiny
  378   Thorny Devil Lizard + Porcupine spiny fast tail
  504   Banded Newt Triton + Scopionfish spiny natat rept
  508   Alligator Snapping Turtle Turtle + Tenrec spiny amph arm slow
  72   Bat Mouse + Eagle bat wing blod
  262   Honduran Bat Bunnyball + Bat bat wing blod
  74   Argiope Spider + Bee stripy spid multi venom
  88   Chain Pickerel Pike + Bee stripy aggr fast fish
  89   Clown Fish Golden Carp + Flatfish stripy fish bea
  100   Zebra Horse + Clown Fish stripy herb
  122   Tiger Snow Leopard + Zebra stripy feli pred
  143   Ring-tailed Lemur Raccoon + Lynx stripy dex feli
  165   Skink Lizard + Clown Fish stripy fast rept longT
  319   Rhinozebra Rhinoceros + Zebra stripy horn giant
  407   Coral Snake Snake + Bee stripy venom apod rept
  417   Liger Lion + Tiger stripy pred feli lazy
  503   Ribbon Seal Seal + Zebra stripy natat fast fat
  513   Penaeus Monodon Shrimp + Zebra stripy deep multi
  80   Pelican Dove + Kangaroo mars bird
  103   Koala Bear + Kangaroo mars slow hairy
  225   Thylacine Wolf + Kangaroo mars wolf cani pred wild
  466   Cancer Pagurus Crab + Kangaroo mars arm pred
  82   Comet Golden Carp + Peafowl longT bea dom fish
  180   Swallow Sparrow + Peafowl longT fast bird
  224   Mermaid Human + Scorpion longT tail mut
  290   Manticore Lion + Lizard longT aggr venom tail mut feli
  423   Nasua Raccoon + Charmander longT hairy wild rod
  445   Frilled Shark Shark + Mermaid longT pred deep fish
  448   Desman Mole + Swallow longT rod probo
  84   Angelfish Golden Carp + Flatfish flat bea fish
  162   Angelshark Shark + Flatfish flat pred deep fish
  86   Armadillo Squirrel + Strawberry Crab arm night
  101   Snail Worm + Strawberry Crab arm slow
  109   Club-tailed Lizard Lizard + Strawberry Crab arm fast tail rept
  157   Sea Turtle Turtle + Iguana arm slow natat giant
  158   Pangolin Monitor Lizard + Sea Turtle arm fast rept
  197   Beetle Cockroach + Crab arm ins
  258   Cowdillow Cow + Armadillo arm mut
  281   Oyster Trepang + Crab arm deep
  282   Horseshoe Crab Guitarfish + Crab arm longT
  284   Nautilus Octopus + Crab arm deep natat giant multi
  357   Desmatosuchus Crocodile + Armadillo arm pred natat aggr
  377   Coconut Crab Crab + Elephant arm pred scav giant
  387   Stegasaurous Iguanodon + Crab arm herb giant
  94   Leech Worm + Bat blod natat
  175   Vampire Human + Leech blod night undd wing mut
  190   Mosquito Fly + Leech blod probo wing ins
  238   Bedbug Ant + Leech blod ins
  311   Chupacabra Monitor Lizard + Mosquito blod aggr pred night
  102   Sloth Bear + Snail slow lazy
  232   Tarsier Ground Squirrel + Sloth slow rod
  305   Slowpoke Pikachu + Anteater slow dumb pkmn
  322   Binturong Raccoon + Turtle slow hairy wild rod
  409   Eurasian Woodcock Dove + Sloth slow bird wing
  106   Chameleon Lizard + Flatfish imper camo
  111   Turtle Platypus + Crab amph arm slow
  113   Swordfish Shark + Yak horn fish horns
  115   Unicorn Horse + Rhinoceros horn mut
  200   Rhinoceros Beetle Beetle + Rhinoceros horn arm ins
  220   Toucan Parrot + Swordfish horn bea bird
  278   Narwhal Whale + Swordfish horn deep fat
  509   False Vampire Bats Bat + Rhinoceros Beetle horn wing blod bat
  116   Horned Bird Raven + Yak horns bird mut
  118   Elk Horse + Horned Bird horns herb
  119   Deer Elk + Horse horns herb fast
  268   Horned Turtle Turtle + Yak horns pred aggr mut
  318   Jackalope Hare + Antelope horns fast rod longE
  359   Triceratops Iguanodon + Yak horns giant herb
  362   Horned Viper Snake + Yak horns rept venom apod
  421   Bullfrog Toad + Antelope horns jump giant
  506   Ankole-Watusi Cow + Elk horns herb
  121   Snow Leopard Lynx + Shark feli frost giant
  212   Catdog Dog + Cat feli cani hairy mut
  347   Catwoman Human + Tiger feli mut jump
  413   Pink Panther Flamingo + Jaguar feli saga dex
  439   Tatzelwurm Snake + Hyena feli rept aggr
  124   Sphinx Lion + Flying Rat mut wing
  186   Griffin Eagle + Pegasus mut wing
  227   Gargoyle Bat + Cyclops mut
  228   Kraken Octopus + Flying Rat mut
  253   Hydra Dragon + Horned Bird mut
  256   Cerberus Dog + Hydra mut
  257   Angel Dove + Mermaid mut bea wing
  266   Gorgon Human + Tyrannosaur mut aggr
  295   Alien Lizard + Flying Rat mut tail
  326   Faun Goat + Human mut horns hairy
  331   Tauntaun Kangaroo + Flying Rat mut horns jump hairy drau
  338   Extraterrestrial Chupacabra + Raven mut saga
  361   Watto Duck + Flying Rat mut wing cun
  368   Godzilla Tyrannosaur + Alien mut giant aggr
  384   Ninja Turtle Turtle + Batman mut arm dex fast camo
  388   Troglodyte Frog + Horned Bird mut aggr jump
  390   Chewbacca Orangutan + Unicorn mut saga hairy bird
  412   Naga Snake + Human mut apod aggr
  432   Jar Jar Binks Donkey + Bunnyball mut natat dumb
  433   Spongebob Trepang + Horned Bird mut soc dumb deep
  452   Stirge Mosquito + Horned Bird mut blod probo wing
  461   Umber Hulk Ant + Hulk mut aggr giant
  480   Tanuki Raccoon + Sphinx mut saga hairy
  128   Ground Squirrel Rat + Heron longL rod fast
  340   Spider Monkey Monkey + Heron longL jump dex
  138   Hummingbird Dove + Mouse small bird
  140   Owlet Owl + Mouse small night blind bird
  146   Okapi Giraffe + Hummingbird small stripy herb
  149   Spotted Catshark Shark + Hummingbird small stripy fish
  152   Mouse Deer Deer + Hummingbird small herb fast
  153   Pony Horse + Mouse small hwork herb
  154   Wombat Bear + Mouse small hairy herb
  159   Takin Yak + Mouse small hairy horns
  166   Alpaca Lama + Takin small hairy longN
  167   Pygmy Hippopotamus Hippopotamus + Hummingbird small bald natat
  213   Yorkshire Terrier Dog + Mouse small dom cani
  215   Coyote Wolf + Mouse small wolf pred cani aggr wild
  286   Elephatamus Elephant + Pygmy Hippopotamus small fat bald
  289   Dwarf Human + Mouse small
  299   Sea Otter Beaver + Mouse small hairy natat hwork
  304   Goblin Ogre + Mouse small dex hum
  329   Wallaby Kangaroo + Mouse Deer small mars jump
  336   Cupid Angel + Mouse small bea mut wing
  350   Leopard Cat Cat + Spotted Catshark small feli saga
  360   Brahminy Blindsnake Snake + Owlet small rept apod
  376   Dwarf Pygmy Goby Anchovy + Mouse small fish sch
  380   Cuban Frog Frog + Mouse small jump
  382   Mouse Lemur Monkey + Mouse small jump dex
  385   Pygmy Mouse Hamster + Wombat small rod
  391   Kinkajou Ring-tailed Lemur + Mouse small dex longT
  392   Harvest Mouse Mouse + Kinkajou small rod fast
  398   Guppy Golden Carp + Mouse small bea fish
  399   Hermit Crab Crab + Mouse small arm
  400   Ocelot Jaguar + Mouse small feli jump spot
  401   Pecari Wild Boar + Mouse small lazy wild
  443   Gecko Triton + Mouse small natat
  450   Golden Pheasant Pheasant + Hummingbird small wild bird bea
  451   Tenrec Echidna + Mouse small spiny
  471   Leaf-tailed Gecko Chupacabra + Mouse small night rept
  474   Dumbo Octopus Octopus + Mouse small multi natat deep
  488   Pale-throated Sloth Sloth + Mouse small slow lazy
  494   Booted Eagle Eagle + Hummingbird small pred bird wing
  514   Little Penguin Penguin + Mouse small frost natat bird
  524   Little Gull Gull + Hummingbird small scav bird
  155   Cheshire Cat Cat + Chameleon camo saga feli
  231   Phoenix Peafowl + Chameleon camo bird
  487   Peafowl Grasshooper Grasshopper + Chameleon camo jump longL ins
  161   Whale Shark Shark + Giraffe spot herb giant fish
  277   Panda Bear + Cheetah spot fat herb hairy
  283   Salamander Lizard + Giraffe spot rept fast
  354   African Civet Dog + Cheetah spot cani wild
  467   Bombina Toad + Salamander spot jump
  484   Cylindrophiidae Snake + Salamander spot venom apod rept
  489   Brazilian Tapir Tapir + Cheetah spot fat
  490   Freckled Duck Duck + Salamander spot natat bird dbk
  492   Pearlscale Golden Carp + Salamander spot dom bea fish
  498   Marbled Polecat Ferret + Cheetah spot dex fast hairy
  502   Spotted Seal Seal + Salamander spot natat fast fat
  516   Liguar Lion + Jaguar spot pred feli lazy
  520   Speckled Pigeon Dove + Cheetah spot bea bird
  523   Anioto Werewolf + Cheetah spot werew hum mut
  163   Donkey Pony + Beaver drau balk small hwork
  416   Yoshi Verociraptor + Donkey drau
  476   Turuk Pterodactyl + Horse drau giant bea
  173   Sparrow Hummingbird + Monkey dex small bird
  179   Sheep Goat + Pig dumb hairy
  226   Scooby Doo Dog + Pig dumb dom cani
  313   Zombie Human + Pig dumb slow aggr
  344   C3po Android + Zombie dumb
  434   Patric Starfish + Chicken dumb soc deep
  468   Humpty Dumpty Eggdevil + Pig dumb
  185   Spiderman Human + Spider hum spid mut
  269   Minotaur Cow + Human hum horns aggr mut
  287   Devil Eggdevil + Human hum
  394   Ninja Ninja Turtle + Human hum dex fast camo night
  428   Selkie Seal + Human hum natat saga
  431   Na’vi Blue Dart Frog + Human hum giant
  436   Ra Eagle + Human hum saga
  470   Ichthyander Shark + Human hum fish saga natat
  191   Anteater Bear + Mosquito probo slow
  192   Elephant Hippopotamus + Anteater probo tusk giant
  230   Kiwi Perdix + Mosquito probo wing bird
  276   Elephant Shrew Mouse + Elephant probo jump rod
  381   Frog Pinoccio Frog + Elephant probo jump
  483   Proboscis monkey Monkey + Elephant probo jump dex
  521   Macroglossum Stellatarum Butterfly + Elephant probo bea wing ins
  522   Chinese Softshell Turtle Turtle + Elephant probo amph arm slow
  196   Walrus Seal + Elephant tusk natat
  233   Wart Hog Pig + Elephant tusk
  273   Sabre-toothed Tiger Tiger + Elephant tusk stripy feli pred
  274   Sabre-toothed Squirrel Squirrel + Elephant tusk jump hairy rod
  438   Ypotryll Camel + Elephant tusk longN longT
  456   Camel Spider Spider + Elephant tusk venom spid multi
  499   Musk Deer Deer + Elephant tusk herb fast horns
  202   Trepang Crab + Snake apod
  206   Hyena Cheetah + Vulture scav feli
  218   Gull Duck + Vulture scav bird
  207   Jackal Hyena + Mouse cani scav small
  497   Dhole Red Panda + Fennec cani bea pred aggr wild wolf
  209   Wolf Dog + Scorpion wolf cani pred wild aggr
  217   Werewolf Human + Wolf werew hum wolf mut
  236   Myriapod Worm + Shrimp multi
  301   Headcrab Crab + Horned Bird multi pred aggr mut
  307   Caterpillar Worm + Sloth multi slow
  246   Guitarfish Flatfish + Horned Bird ele horns fish
  449   Electric Eel Eel + Guitarfish ele fish natat
  260   Duckfeller Duck + Bee ins
  302   Stink Beetle Skunk + Scorpion ins venom small
  293   Pikachu Android + Bear pkmn hairy
  356   Charmander Dragon + Pikachu pkmn longT
  358   Psyduck Duck + Slowpoke pkmn natat dbk
  472   Meowth Cat + Pikachu pkmn saga feli
  473   Squirtle Turtle + Slowpoke pkmn arm
  425   Lich Wizard + Vampire undd saga aggr
  429   Kelpie Horse + Vampire undd natat aggr
  430   Ghost Human + Lich undd camo
  440   Mummy Sphinx + Lich undd slow
  475   Thestral Pegasus + Hippopotamus undd bald wing mut


  #   Element Gen
  163   Donkey balk
  6   Mole blind
  13   Worm blind
  374   Star Nosed Mole blind
  14   Owl blind
  140   Owlet blind
  512   Asio blind
Duck Beak      
  21   Duck dbk
  267   Shoebill dbk
  358   Psyduck dbk
  490   Freckled Duck dbk
  11   Raven live
  3   Anchovy sch
  34   Bee sch
  376   Dwarf Pygmy Goby sch
  75   Megachile Pluto sch
  39   Bear sleep
  59   Spider spid
  74   Argiope spid
  77   Tarantula spid
  185   Spiderman spid
  456   Camel Spider spid


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