Alchemy – lista kombinacji po angielsku


Alchemy – combinations list in English

As with the solution for Alchemy Classic which FD presented not long ago, we give you the list of elements for another alchemic game in English. This is obviously for English speaking players as well as for those who prefer playing in this language for other reasons. Like imperfectness of the other localizations. Not that this one perfect, to be fair. Still it is better that, for example, the Polish version, which you can find (and compare with) here.
The list of 390 elements was arranged alphabetically, without any category sorting. Any errors, capitalization, etc. was left uncorrected in order to let everybody find desired element without problems. Elements marked with * are terminal elements (i.e. ones that cannot be combined with any other elements).

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English version
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Here is the combination list for Alchemy. New elements added in the latest updated are marked with colour.

Basic elements
#   Element   Result of   Result of
1   water    
2   fire    
3   earth    
4   air    
#   Element   Result of   Result of
5   1UP   mushroom + life  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
6   airplane   metal + bird  
7   Albert Einstein*   scientist + energy  
8   alcohol   water + fire  
9   alcoholic   man + alcohol  
10   algae   water + life  
11   alien   star + beast   star + life
12   aluminium   metal + airplane  
13   ambulance*   hospital + car  
14   aquarium*   glass + fish  
15   arable   tool + earth  
16   arms   tool + metal  
17   ash   moss + fire   tree + fire
18   ashtray   glass + ash  
19   assassin   poisoned weapons + man  
20   Australia   kangaroo + country  
21   avian flu*   flu + bird  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
22   baby   woman + sex  
23   bacon*   pig + fire  
24   bacteria   swamp + life  
25   bar*   brick house + beer  
26   barbecue   meat + fire  
27   bat   vampire + bird  
28   Batman*   man + bat  
29   beach   water + sand  
30   bear   forest + beast  
31   beast   lizard + earth  
32   beaver   dam + beast  
33   bee   flower + beetle  
34   beer   wheat + alcohol  
35   beetle   worm + earth  
36   beetroot   sugar + seed  
37   Belarus*   tractor + country  
38   berry   grass + fruit  
39   bicycle   2x wheel  
40   bird   egg + air   lizard + air
41   bitumen   pressure + kerogen  
42   blood   hunter + bird   warrior + dragon
43   boat   wood + water  
44   boiler   steam + metal  
45   book   paper + feather  
46   borscht   fire + beetroot  
47   bow*   Robin Hood + arms  
48   bread   fire + dough  
49   brick   fire + clay  
50   brick house   concrete + brick  
51   butterfly   worm + air  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
52   C-3PO   robot + R2-D2  
53   cactus   tree + desert  
54   camel*   desert + beast  
55   cancer   man + cigarettes  
56   car   combustion engine + cart  
57   caramel*   sugar + fire  
58   carbon dioxide   oxygen + man  
59   carmine   fire + cochineal  
60   cart   wood + wheel  
61   cat   mouse + hunter  
62   CatDog*   dog + cat  
63   caviar   fish + egg   2x fish
64   cement   limestone + clay  
65   cemetery*   2x grave  
66   ceramics   man + clay  
67   champagne   wine + soda water  
68   chariot   warrior + cart  
69   cheese   quark (cheese) + fire  
70   chicken   life + egg  
71   China   panda + country   dragon + country
72   chocolate   sugar + cocoa  
73   Christmas tree   tree + light bulb  
74   cigarettes   tobacco + paper  
75   city   2x skyscraper  
76   clay   swamp + sand  
77   clock   tool + time  
78   cloth   wool + tool  
79   clothing   man + cloth  
80   cloud   steam + air  
81   coal   tree + fire  
82   Coca-Cola   soda water + carmine  
83   cochineal   cactus + beetle  
84   cocoa   seed + Mexico  
85   coffin   wood + corpse  
86   coin   silver + pressure  
87   combustion engine   steam-engine + gasoline  
88   concrete   water + cement  
89   continent   2x country  
90   copper   silver + gold  
91   corpse   man + fire   man + poison
92   country   2x city  
93   crop circles*   UFO + arable  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
94   dam   water + brick  
95   desert   2x sand  
96   diamond   uncut diamond + tool  
97   diet   yogurt + man  
98   dilemma   egg + chicken  
99   dinosaur   egg + earth  
100   doctor   sick + scientist  
101   dog   wolf + man  
102   dough   water + flour  
103   Dr. Zoidberg*   lobster + doctor  
104   dragon   fire + dinosaur  
105   dust   earth + air   2x ash
#   Element   Result of   Result of
106   e-book*   microchip + book  
107   ectoplasm   ghost + energy  
108   egg   stone + life   2x lizard
109   Egypt*   mummy + country   country + cat
110   electric eel*   snake + electricity  
111   electric ray*   fish + electricity  
112   electricity   metal + energy  
113   elephant   whale + earth  
114   energy   fire + air   peat + fire
115   ent   tree + life  
116   explosion*   gunpowder + fire  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
117   Fabergé egg   egg + diamond  
118   farmer   man + arable  
119   fat   pig + man  
120   feather   hunter + bird  
121   fern   swamp + moss  
122   Finland*   sauna + country  
123   fire elemental   life + fire  
124   firearms   gunpowder + arms  
125   firefighter*   hero + fire  
126   firefly*   light + beetle  
127   fish   water + snake  
128   fisherman*   hunter + fish  
129   flour   wheat + stone  
130   flower   water + seed  
131   flu   bacteria + air  
132   fondue   fire + cheese  
133   forest   2x grove  
134   fossil   earth + dinosaur   earth + butterfly
135   France   perfume + country  
136   Frankenstein*   electricity + corpse  
137   fried chicken   fire + chicken  
138   frog   swamp + lizard  
139   fruit   tree + farmer  
140   fugu*   poison + fish  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
141   gasoline   pressure + petroleum  
142   genie*   lamp + ghost  
143   Germany*   VW Beetle + country  
144   geyser   steam + earth  
145   ghost   life + ash  
146   Ghostbusters*   hunter + ghost  
147   glass   sand + fire  
148   gold   silver + philosopher’s stone  
149   golem   life + clay  
150   grape   wood + earth  
151   grass   moss + earth  
152   grave   earth + corpse  
153   grove   2x tree  
154   gunpowder   fire + dust  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
155   hen coop   hut + chicken  
156   hero   warrior + dragon  
157   honey   tree + bee  
158   hospital   sick + brick house  
159   hot chocolate*   fire + chocolate  
160   hourglass   sand + glass  
161   House M.D.*   vicodin + man  
162   hunter   man + arms  
163   hut   stone + man  
164   hydrogen   water + electricity  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
165   ice   water + glass  
166   Iceland*   volcano + country  
167   idea   man + light bulb  
168   India   Kama Sutra + country  
169   iodine   fire + algae  
170   iPhone*   phone + fruit  
171   island*   volcano + sea  
172   Italy*   pizza + country   Venice + country
#   Element   Result of   Result of
173   Japan*   sushi + country  
174   jedi   lightsaber + hero  
175   juice*   pressure + berry  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
176   Kama Sutra   sex + book  
177   kangaroo   frog + 1UP  
178   kerogen   pressure + fossil  
179   kilt   Scotland + clothing  
180   knife   tool + meat  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
181   lamp   glass + fire  
182   Lance Armstrong*   cancer + bicycle  
183   lava   fire + earth  
184   lava golem   life + lava  
185   lava lamp*   lava + lamp  
186   lawn mower   scissors + combustion engine  
187   leech*   worm + blood  
188   library   2x book  
189   lichen*   mushroom + algae  
190   life   swamp + energy  
191   light   light bulb + electricity  
192   light bulb   glass + electricity  
193   lighthouse*   skyscraper + light  
194   lightning rod   thunderstorm + metal  
195   lightsaber   light + arms  
196   lime   limestone + fire  
197   limestone   stone + shells  
198   livestock   man + beast  
199   lizard   swamp + egg   worm + snake
200   lobster   water + scorpion  
201   locomotive*   steam-engine + cart  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
202   man   life + beast  
203   manure   livestock + grass  
204   Mario   man + 1UP  
205   McDonald’s   sandwich + Coca-Cola  
206   meat   hunter + bird   man + livestock
207   Mentos   geyser + Coca-Cola  
208   mermaid*   woman + fish  
209   metal   stone + fire  
210   metal golem   metal + life  
211   Mexico   tequila + country  
212   microchip   2x transistor  
213   milk   livestock + grass   man + livestock
214   mirror   glass + aluminium  
215   mite*   life + dust  
216   mold   mushroom + mud  
217   Molotov cocktail*   fire + alcohol  
218   money   paper + coin  
218   Moon   sky + cheese  
220   moss   swamp + algae  
221   motorboat*   combustion engine + boat  
222   motorcycle*   combustion engine + bicycle  
223   mouse   cheese + beast  
224   mud   water + dust  
225   mummy   zombie + paper  
226   museum   fossil + brick house  
227   mushroom   earth + algae  
228   music*   sound + idea  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
229   obesity   McDonald’s + man  
230   old man   time + man  
231   omelette*   fire + egg  
232   oxygen   water + electricity  
233   oxyhydrogen   oxygen + hydrogen  
234   ozone   oxygen + electricity  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
235   panda   tree + beast  
236   paper   tool + reed  
237   pearl*   shells + sand  
238   peat   swamp + pressure   tree + swamp
239   penguin*   ice + bird  
240   penicillin   scientist + mold  
241   perfume   flower + alcohol  
242   Petri dish*   glass + bacteria  
243   petroleum   pressure + bitumen  
244   philosopher’s stone   stone + philosophy  
245   philosophy   scientist + dilemma  
246   phoenix*   fire + bird  
247   phone   wire + sound  
248   pie*   fruit + dough  
249   pig   mud + livestock  
250   piggy bank*   coin + clay   coin + ceramics
251   pillow*   feather + cloth  
252   Pinocchio*   wood + life  
253   pizza   dough + cheese  
254   planet   2x continent  
255   plankton   water + bacteria  
256   plesiosauria   water + dinosaur  
257   poison   tool + mushroom   tool + snake
258   poisoned weapons   poison + arms  
259   pressure   2x earth  
260   prisoner*   time + assassin  
261   pterodactyl   dinosaur + air  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
262   quark (cheese)   soured milk + fire  
263   Quetzalcoatl   snake + bird  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
264   R2-D2   robot + hero  
265   rain   water + cloud  
266   rainbow*   water + light  
267   reed   swamp + grass  
268   Robin Hood   hero + forest  
269   robot   metal golem + electricity  
270   Romania*   Transylvania + country  
271   ruby*   oxygen + aluminium  
272   Russia*   vodka + country  
273   rust   water + metal  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
274   sailboat   cloth + boat  
275   sailing ship   wooden ship + cloth  
276   sailor*   sailboat + man  
277   salamander*   lizard + fire  
278   salo   pig + man  
279   salt*   sea + fire  
280   saltpeter   manure + limestone  
281   sand   stone + air   water + stone
282   sand storm*   storm + sand  
283   sandwich   meat + bread  
284   Santa Claus*   old man + Christmas tree  
285   Saudi Arabia*   petroleum + country  
286   sauna   steam + hut  
287   scarab   manure + beetle  
288   scientist   man + library  
289   scissors   2x knife  
290   scorpion   sand + beetle  
291   scotch whisky   peat + alcohol  
292   Scotland   kilt + country   scotch whisky + country
293   sea   2x water  
294   seed   2x grass  
295   sex   woman + man  
296   Sex and the City*   sex + city  
297   shells   stone + plankton  
298   sick   man + flu   swine flu + man
299   silicon   sand + pressure  
300   silk   cloth + China  
301   silver   Moon + metal  
302   sith   jedi + assassin  
303   sky   cloud + air  
304   skyscraper   glass + brick house  
305   smoke   peat + fire   tobacco + fire
306   snail*   worm + shells  
307   snake   worm + sand   worm + swamp
308   sniper*   firearms + assassin  
309   soap*   fat + ash  
310   soda water   water + carbon dioxide  
311   soldier   man + firearms  
312   sound   wind + metal  
313   soured milk   yogurt + milk  
314   spinning wheel   wool + wheel  
315   stake   wood + knife  
316   star   Sun + scientist  
317   Star Wars   sith + jedi  
318   statue   tool + stone  
319   Statue of Liberty   USA + statue  
320   steam   water + air   sea + fire
321   steam-engine   coal + boiler  
322   steamer*   wooden ship + steam-engine  
323   stone   lava + air  
324   storm   energy + air  
325   sugar   reed + lime  
326   sulfur   swamp + bacteria  
327   Sun   sky + chariot  
328   sunflower*   Sun + flower  
329   sushi   fish + algae  
330   swamp   water + earth  
331   sweater*   yarn + tool  
332   swine flu   pig + flu  
333   swiss army knife   tool + knife  
334   Switzerland   foundue + country  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
335   team*   cart + beast  
336   tequila   worm + alcohol  
337   The Beatles   2x beetle  
338   thread   yarn + spinning wheel  
339   thunderbird*   storm + bird  
340   thunderstorm   storm + electricity  
341   time   life + hourglass  
342   toast*   fire + bread  
343   tobacco   grass + fire  
344   tool   metal + man  
345   Totoro   ghost + forest  
346   tractor   lawn mower + arable  
347   Transformers*   life + car  
348   transistor   silicon + metal  
349   Transylvania   vampire + country  
350   tree   seed + earth  
351   turtle   sand + egg  
352   Twilight Saga*   werewolf + vampire  
353   typhoon*   water + storm  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
354   UFO   alien + airplane  
355   Ukraine*   country + borscht  
356   uncut diamond   pressure + coal  
357   undead*   zombie + corpse  
358   United Kingdom*   The Beatles + country  
359   USA   country + Coca-Cola   McDonald’s + country
#   Element   Result of   Result of
360   vampire   man + blood  
361   Venice   water + city  
362   Venus   sex + planet   woman + planet
363   vicodin   sick + doctor  
364   vinegar*   oxygen + alcohol  
365   vodka   water + alcohol  
366   volcano   pressure + lava  
367   vulture*   blood + bird  
368   VW Beetle   car + beetle  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
369   warrior   hunter + arms  
370   weevil*   flour + beetle  
371   werewolf   vampire + beast  
372   whale   water + beast   plankton + fish
373   wheat   seed + arable  
374   wheel   wood + tool  
375   whey*   soured milk + fire  
376   wind   2x air  
377   wine   grape + alcohol  
378   wire   copper + thread  
379   wolf   Moon + beast  
380   woman   milk + man  
381   wood   tree + tool  
382   wooden ship   wood + boat  
383   wool   man + livestock  
384   worm   plankton + earth   swamp + bacteria
#   Element   Result of   Result of
385   yarn   wool + spinning wheel  
386   Yoda   swamp + jedi  
387   yogurt   milk + bacteria  
388   Yoshi   egg + 1UP  
#   Element   Result of   Result of
389   zombie   life + fossil  
390   zoo*   museum + beast  

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